Posts Tagged ‘dress’

The Fruits Of An Unexpected Frost

Late last week I got excited at the prospect of completing my garden planting this weekend, leaving me free to move on to other things, at least for a few weeks. Then I I got some bad news. We were expecting a late spring frost overnight. Doing any more planting before that was past us seemed ill advised. I wasn’t all that happy about it. In truth, I’m still not, but the garden isn’t going anywhere while I do other things for a few days.

Mellie has been teething nonstop for what must  be over a week now. The majority of her top row have all decided to come in at once. Five teeth are visible (plus one on the bottom row). Two are already completely through the gum tissue, and another two are looking like they’ll be through today.

That being the case, I’ve spent most of the weekend with her nursing or passed out in my lap while I worked on new patterns. I made one quick dress to test a new pattern, but it didn’t turn out like I had hoped. The length is more of a tunic after it’s hemmed and it’s too wide. Bad math on my part. It is kind of cute though.

Yesterday I decided that an outside adventure would probably do everyone some good. I put Mellie in the mei tai and out we went to gather dandelions for wine! Mellie greatly enjoyed this, sleeping happily on my back or calmly watching her surroundings as we went for several hours.

Unfortunately, other aspects didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped. Two yards, a runway and a fallow field only netted me about two cups worth of dandelion petals. In addition to that, dandelions apparently don’t respond well to being bounced around in a sack for hours in the heat. My flowers were more than a bit wilted by the time we got home.

I’m still determined to try this! I went ahead and carefully separated the petals from the green parts of each flower, mixed them with the other ingredients, and now the whole thing is downstairs steeping on the stove. It as bright and golden as I had expected yet, but that may change after it sits for a bit. I’m hopeful, and if not there will be plenty more dandelions blooming later in the year to let us try again.

Now there is lunch, which Mellie is more than happy to help me with , leaving tiny little bite marks with her brand new teeth!